The data collection period for the 5th National Study on the prevalence of pressure ulcers and other skin lesions related to dependence in Spain has just started. This research is promoted by the Spanish National Group for the study and advice on pressure ulcers and chronic wounds (GNEAUPP) and is coordinated by the CuiDsalud research group at the University of Jaén.
The Pressure ulcer prevalence studies performed by GNEAUPP every 4 years are the largest epidemiological studies in Spain about this health problem and provide reference values useful for the different healthcare facilities.
This 5th study incorporates two important new elements:
- For the first time, differentiated data will be obtained from the different types of skin lesions that can appear in situations of dependence, classified according to their main causal factor, and not only of pressure ulcers.
Special emphasis will be placed on obtaining data on infant and newborn population, as well as adult population, in order to be able to estimate the size of the problem.
The epidemiological study is aimed at hospitals (all types), long-term care centres and nursing homes, and primary health care throughout the country. More information is available on the study website.