Caring for relatives with dementia: adapting to changes

cuidado_mayoresTo identify and analyse problems in adapting to change among the family caregivers of relatives with dementia was the objective of this piece of research developed by Sara Moreno, Pedro Angel Palomino, Lourdes Moral, Antonio Frías y Rafael del Pino (researchers of the group CuiDsalud).

It is a qualitative study using Grounded Theory methodology with 7 focus groups with family caregivers in the province of Jaén (Spain). Three main categories was identified: Changing Care, Problems in the process of adapting to change, Facilitators of the process of adapting to change, building a theoretical model that explain the process.adaptacion-cambio

As conclusions the authors stated that the adaptation of family caregivers to caring for a person with dementia is hindered by the lack of formal support and under-diagnosis of dementia. The adaptation process could be improved by strengthening formal support in the early stages of care to reduce the stress of family caregivers who must teach themselves about their task and by interventions adapted to each phase in the development of the caregiver role

The reference of the article is: Sara Moreno-Cámara, Pedro Ángel Palomino-Moralb Lourdes Moral-Fernández, Antonio Frías-Osuna, Rafael del-Pino-Casado. Problems in the process of adapting to change among the family caregivers of elderly people with dementia. Gaceta Sanitaria. 2016.

(Abstract)  (Full text in Spanish)


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