Adolescence and youth are periods of age with special characteristics that increase the probability of assuming risky behaviors for their health. As a consequence of the evolutionary process, there is a modification in social relationships and forms of closer relationships, characterized by a rapprochement towards the peer group and progressive separation from the family environment. Training on issues related to sexuality and contraceptive methods is a key element in achieving the objective of living a healthy sexuality, free of risks or adverse consequences for their health.
The faculty of the CuidSalud Group of the University of Jaen, within the project Knowledge about sexuality and contraception and attitudes towards the use of contraceptive methods in young university students carried out a descriptive evaluation of the level of knowledge of the students of the Degree in Nursing of the University of Jaen, seeking to detect training gaps for the implementation of future training programs and the analysis of the individual characteristics that may condition the acquisition of the content.
The level of knowledge was moderately high, finding the greatest training gaps in the questions on hormonal contraceptive methods. Women, who wished to use them in future sexual relations, stood out with the highest scores, detecting self-education on the part of this group. When we analyzed the main sources of information used, we found the Internet as the main source, however, they would like to be trained through health personnel or highly reliable pages, highlighting the need to adapt the training pathways in adolescence to the development of technology, seeking to get them to access reliable sources of information.
This research has recently been published in Healthcare, where it can be consulted in full: Sebastián Sanz-Martos, Isabel M. López-Medina, Cristina Álvarez-García, Lucía Ortega-Donaire,María E. Fernández-Martínez & Carmen Álvarez-Nieto: Knowledge of Sexuality and Contraception in Students at a Spanish University: A Descriptive Study. Healthcare. 2022; 10: 1695