On June 10, 2022, Carmen Álvarez Nieto and Isabel M. ª López Medina, lecturers belonging to the CuidSalud research group, gave an online conference for ANHE Latin America-Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments on the latest “Advances in Nursing and Environmental Research”. The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments – ANHE Latin America, is formed by a group of nurses interested in working on the promotion of healthy environments and health care, considering the risk factors generated from climate change and the need to contribute to ecosystem care and planetary health.
The reality of climate change is inextricable from human health. The climate crisis highlights the need for emergency preparedness for climate-related disasters, sustainable health systems that can withstand these challenges, and a broader understanding of the links between climate and health. Therefore, embedding planetary health education in healthcare curricula is an essential step to achieving the transformative change needed. Thereby, Drs. Álvarez Nieto and López Medina stressed the current relevance of including contents on sustainability, climate change and health in the Nursing Degree and in higher education in general, explaining the experience and research carried out at the University of Jaén in the last 8 years. As a result of this research, 10 articles have been published in journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports and several research projects have been developed, including an ERASMUS + in which a free access teaching-learning platform (NurSus) on Sustainability, Climate Change and Health was created.