The first moments of the carer: The process of becoming a caregiver of a dependent elderly relative

In order to describe the initial process through which people who imminently become caregivers of a dependent elderly relative, was designed a qualitative study, for which its analysis has been directed by Grounded Theory principles. This study was conducted in the Health Districts of Jaén, during 2015 and 2016 at the community level, conducting eleven in-depth interviews, until saturation of information, on individuals who had been caring for an older relative with dependency for less than one year. The results shown three phases during this process: an initial phase of changes, in which the caregiver assumes new activities; a second phase full of emotions, in which the needs and consequences emerge in caregivers; and a third phase that emphasises acceptance as a coping strategy and uncertainty as an expectation of the future.

The description of this process provides a comprehensive understanding of the experience of becoming a family caregiver, in order to help health professionals to adapt to the plans of care for this initial situation.

The reference to read the full article is: Moral-Fernández L, et al. Primeros momentos del cuidado: el proceso de convertirse en cuidador de un familiar mayor dependiente. Aten Primaria. 2017.

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