Pressure ulcers are an important health problem with a great epidemiological impact that affects the health status and quality of life producing important expenses for people, healthcare institutions and health systems.
There is not available systematized information about the different cost components of pressure ulcers although the important economic dimension of such problem. In order to cover this lack of systematized information an integrative review about the economic dimension of pressure lesions was performed. It identified and analyzed 89 documents with economic information about pressure lesions problem.
Information was systematized according within these categories: time for healing, cost of additional hospital stays, costs related with safety of patients, DRG costs, total cost of treatment, episode’s cost, by type of treatment, related with complications, QALYs, costs in spinal cord patients and in patients with other conditions and global prevention costs.
For more information consult the reference: Torra-Bou JE, García-Fernández FP, Pérez-Acevedo G, Sarabia-Lavin R, Paras-Bravo P, Soldevilla-Ágreda JJ, et al. Economic impact of pressure ulcers: an integrative review. Gerokomos. 2017;28(2):83-97.