Becoming a caregiver. A PhD thesis
On September 12th, at the University of Jaén took place the PhD viva titled “The first moments in the caring: The process of becoming caregiver of a dependent elderly relative” carried out by the PhD …
On September 12th, at the University of Jaén took place the PhD viva titled “The first moments in the caring: The process of becoming caregiver of a dependent elderly relative” carried out by the PhD …
Mrs. Margarita Pérez Cruz, defended last June 29 her PhD thesis, entitled “Determinants of anxiety in relatives caregivers of elderly dependents”. This PhD thesis was directed by Rafael del Pino Casado. And it is a …
Mrs Sara Moreno Cámara, another of the researchers of the CuiDsalud group, who currently works as a lecturer in the Nursing Department, defended her PhD thesis last June 13th. The thesis is entitled: “Needs and …
The lecturer of the Nursing Department and researcher of the group CuiDsalud, Mrs Laura Parra Anguita, defended her PhD thesis on May 26: `Elaboration and psychometric validation of a scale of knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease …
On 27th January, 2016, the physician Ana Belén Navarrete Guillen has defended at the University of Jaén, his doctoral thesis titled “Effectiveness in primary care of a nonpharmacological advanced anti-smoking intervention versus a brief intervention …