First Census of Chronic Wounds units in Spain

The latest issue of Gerokomos in 2017, published an interesting observational cross-sectional  study. The study was aimed to identify the centres or clinics for specialized care of chronic wounds in Spain and to do the first census of these units.

Despite the growing interest in wound care units as an organizational model for the provision of services to people with chronic wounds, we do not have information about the number, distribution, functioning and characteristics of these structures in Spain.

The number of wound units in Spain is low, with a great disparity with respect to their geographical distribution by regions. In addition, these structures are subject to many changes. This leads to the disappearance and appearance of wounds care units relatively quickly, although it seems to be an increasingly accepted organizational system in Spain, with an increasing number of these organizational structures in our country. Nowadays, a total of 42 units were included in the first census of wound units in Spain.

The full text is available (in Spanish) at: González de la Torre H, Verdú Soriano J, García Fernández FP, Soldevilla Ágreda J. First Census of units of chronic wounds in Spain. Gerokomos. 2017;28(3):142-50.

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