The lecturer of the Nursing Department and researcher of the group CuiDsalud, Mrs Laura Parra Anguita, defended her PhD thesis on May 26: `Elaboration and psychometric validation of a scale of knowledge about Alzheimer’s disease care and other dementias. Application in professionals of nursing homes and nursing students´, supervised by Dr. Pedro L Pancorbo Hidalgo.
This thesis is a new contribution to the line of research Health in elderly.
As a result of this research, an instrument with good reliability and validity has been developed for the measurement of knowledge about care for people with Alzheimer’s disease, called UJA Alzheimer-Care scale. This scale is easy to use and allows establishing training needs in nursing staff as well as students, so it can be applied both in educational planning and in research studies.
The link to the full text will be updated once it is published in the Univeridad de Jaén repository.
We leave you two articles in Spanish, recently published as a result of this thesis: