On 2017, 15 September, an associate professor of UJA, Mrs. Josefa Arboledas Bellón, has graduated as PhD with a thesis titled “Questionnaire of knowledge of family caregivers about prevention of pressure ulcer and dependence-related skin lesions: development and validation” , supervised by Dr. Pedro Luis Pancorbo Hidalgo. This thesis is a contribution to the research line Pressure ulcers and chronic wounds.
The objetive of this thesis was to build and validate a questionnaire to measure the knowledge of family caregivers about prevention of pressure ulcers and other dependence-related skin lesions, due to the fact that it is not any instrument which fulfilled these requierements. The research was develop in three phase, the first consisted in writing the initial list of items extracted from literature, the second in content validation by 2 rounds with a 15-experts panel and pilot testing with a small group of caregivers, and the third in psychometric evaluation of this questionnaire using a representative sample of family caregivers from 4 provinces in Andalucía (Jaén, Córdoba, Granada y Almeria) obtained during 2014.
The results shown that the initial version with 37 items had a good content validity. After the application of the questionnaire in a sample of 173 caregivers, 23 items with a good discrimination index (>20) were identified and retained for final version. Internal consistency was alfa= 0,852. There was good concurrent validity in known subgroups, No education (average score= 61.8) versus University education (78.7).
So, the questionnaire COCU-LCRD 23 in Spanish is a reliable and valid tool, suitable for measuring the knowledge of caregivers about the prevention of pressure ulcers and dependence-related skin lesions.
The results obtained during the completion of the Doctoral Thesis have given the following scientific contributions:
Arboledas Bellón J. Elaboración y validación de un instrumento para medir conocimientos de la persona cuidadora en prevención de úlceras por presión. NURE Investigación. 2014 may-jun;70. ISSN 1697-218X. Disponible en: http://www.nureinvestigacion.es/OJS/index.php/nure/article/view/54.
Arboledas Bellón J, Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL. Questionnaire of knowledge of family caregivers about prevention of pressure ulcer and dependence-related skin lesions: development and validation. Gerokomos. 2016;27(2):73-9. Accesible en: http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1134-928X2016000200008&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=es.