On the 9th of June, a virtual meeting was held again between Spanish nursing research groups, as has been the case for the last two months.
This meeting, like the previous ones, was organised by the research group Nursing and Innovation in Health Care from the University of Jaén with the aim of developing collaborative relationships between the different groups.
In April we had the opportunity to meet with the Nursing Research Group of the Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL) from Cantabria and in May with the Nursing Care Research Group of the Gregorio Marañón Health Research Institute (IiSGM) from Madrid. On the last event, we were together with the Research Group on New Nursing Practices (Inno-CARE) from the Public University of Navarra.
Cristina Garcia Vivar, along with Leticia San Marín, Nely Soto and Paula Escalada, presented their main lines of research, which focus on four areas: new technologies in the clinical practice of nursing, care in chronic processes, teaching innovation in the field of Health Sciences and Covid-19.