Evidence Based Practice among Nursing students in Colombia

Our group, CuiDsalud, and the GICE Nursing Care research group of Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, in Cúcuta, Colombia, are carrying out a research project titled, Competence for Evidence Based Practice among Nursing students.

The aim of this study was to determine the level of competence on Evidence Based Practice in students from a Nursing program in Colombia. An observational, descriptive and correlational study design was used, conducted in 2 phases. The first phase consisted of cultural adaptation and content validation of the questionnaire Competence for Evidence-Based Practice (CACH-PBE) to the Colombian context. In the second phase, the questionnaire was applied to a sample of 291 students enrrolled in the Nursing Program in an university at Cúcuta – Colombia during the first term of 2016.

Among the results founded, an average age of 20 years, mostly female, a 57.4% of them had no previous training on EBP and a 57.1% had received some training on research methodology. The overall score in Competence in EBP was 3.58 out of 5; highlighting that the dimension Attitudes reaches the highest score and the dimension Knowledge the less. Scores differences were greater for the students in higher semester, with statistically significant differences. It is concluded that students obtained an medium level of Competence for EBP, associated with a positive impact of the academic training received, based on that students in higher semesters obtained higher scores.

Reference: Ureña-Molina Mª P., López-Medina I Mª., Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL. Práctica basada en evidencia en estudiantes de enfermería colombianos. Ciencia y Cuidado. 2017. 14 (2): 52-64.

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