Last 5th February (2016) the physician Manuel Redondo de Dios Olmedilla has presented the viva of his doctoral thesis “Teenagers’ motivations for the initiation and maintenance of alcohol and tobacco consumption. A qualitative study ” developed with the supervision of Dr. Alejandro Pérez Milena (Primary Care Centre El Valle in Jaén) and Dr. Carmen Alvarez Nieto Department of Nursing at the University of Jaén and a member of the research group CuiDsalud (CTS-464). This thesis is a new contribution within the research topic : Children, youth and health.
A brief summary of the contents of the thesis.
A qualitative study, which aims to deepen in understanding of the physical, psychological and social changes in teenagers that determine the initiation and maintenance of alcohol and tobacco use. For this purpose we used a phenomenological design for approaching to the views, perceptions and discourse of adolescents; It was evaluated the influence of family dynamics, social environment (environmental factors micro and macro), the perception of risk from the use and abuse of such substances and the role that adolescents assigned to authority people (teachers and health professionals) for modelling consumer behaviours.
Published papers: Motivaciones para el consumo de tabaco entre los adolescentes de un instituto urbano. Gac Sanit.2012;26:51-7 – Vol. 26 Núm.1 DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.03.021
Motivaciones para el consumo de alcohol entre adolescentes de un instituto urbano. Aten Prim. 2010. doi: 10.1016/j.aprim.2009.12.009