Medioambiente y salud


Álvarez-Nieto C, Richardson J, Navarro-Perán M, Tutticci N, Huss N, Elf M, et al. Nursing students’ attitudes towards climate change and sustainability: A cross-sectional multisite study. Nurse education today. 2022;108:105185.

Álvarez-Nieto C, Álvarez-García C, Parra-Anguita L, Sanz-Martos S, López-Medina IM. Effectiveness of scenario-based learning and augmented reality for nursing students’ attitudes and awareness toward climate change and sustainability. BMC nursing. 2022;21(1):245.

López-Medina IM, Álvarez-García C, Parra-Anguita L, Sanz-Martos S, Álvarez-Nieto C. Perceptions and concerns about sustainable healthcare of nursing students trained in sustainability and health: A cohort study. Nurse education in practice. 2022;65:103489.


Shaw, E., Walpole, S., McLean, M., Alvarez-Nieto, C., Barna, S., Bazin, K., … & Woollard, R. (2021). AMEE Consensus Statement: Planetary health and education for sustainable healthcare. Medical Teacher, 43(3), 272-286.


Álvarez-García C, Álvarez-Nieto C, Kelsey J, Carter R, Sanz-Martos S, López-Medina IM. Effectiveness of the e-NurSus Children Intervention in the Training of Nursing Students. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2019;16(21).

López-Medina, Isabel Maria; Álvarez-Nieto, Carmen; Grose, Jane; Elsbernd, Astrid; Huss, Norma; Huynen, Maud; Richardson, Janet. Competencies on environmental health and pedagogical approaches in the nursing curriculum: a systematic review of the literature. Nurse Education in Practice. 2019. 37: 1 – 8. 

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Álvarez-Nieto C, Richardson J, Parra-Anguita G, Linares-Abad M, Huss N, Grande-Gascón ML, et al. Developing digital educational materials for nursing and sustainability: The results of an observational study. Nurse education today. 2018;60:139-46.

Álvarez-García C, Álvarez-Nieto C, Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL, Sanz-Martos S, López-Medina IM. Student nurses’ knowledge and skills of children’s environmental health: Instrument development and psychometric analysis using item response theory. Nurse education today. 2018;69:113-9.

Álvarez-garcía, Cristina; Álvarez-Nieto, Carmen; Sanz-martos, Sebastián; Puente-fernández, Daniel; López-Leiva, María Inmaculada; Gutiérrez, Lorena; Cantón-habas, Vanesa; Porcel-Gálvez, Ana María; Lavedán-santamaría, Ana; Sarabia-lavín, Raquel; López-Medina, Isabel Maria. Undergraduate Nursing Student`s Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills Related to Children`s Enviromental Health. Journal of Nursing Education. 2019. 58 (7): 401 – 408.

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Álvarez-garcía, Cristina; Álvarez-Nieto, Carmen; Kelsey, Janet; Carter, Rachel; Sanz-martos, Sebastián; López-Medina, Isabel Maria. Efectiveness of the e-NurSus Children Intervention in the Training of Nursing Students.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019. 16: 4288.

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Álvarez-Nieto, Carmen; Richardson, Janet; Parra-Anguita, María Gema; Linares-Abad, Manuel; Huss, Norma; Grande-Gascón, María Luisa; Huynen, Maud; López-Medina, Isabel Maria. Developing digital educational materials for nursing and sustainability: The results of an observational study. Nurse Education Today. 2018. 60: 139 – 146.

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Álvarez-García C, Álvarez-Nieto C, Sanz-Martos S, Puente-Fernández D, López-Leiva I, Gutiérrez-Puertas L, et al. Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills Related to Children’s Environmental Health. The Journal of nursing education. 2019;58(7):401-8.

Ramos-Morcillo, Antonio Jesús; Leal-costa, Cesar; García-moral, Ana Teresa; Del Pino-Casado, Rafael; Ruzafa-martínez, María. Design and Validation of an Instrument to Evaluate the Learning Acquired by Nursing Students from a Brief Tobacco Intervention (BTI-St©).  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019. 16: 3944.


Álvarez-García C, Álvarez-Nieto C, Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL, Sanz-Martos S, López-Medina IM. Student nurses’ knowledge and skills of children’s environmental health: instrument development and psychometric analysis using ítem response theory. Nurs Educ Today. 2018; 69: 113-19.

Disponible en: Texto completo

Álvarez Nieto C, Richardson J, Parra Anguita G, Linares Abad M, Huss N, Grande Gascón ML, Grose J, Huynen M, López Medina IM. Developing digital educational materials for nursing and sustainability: The results of an observational study. Nurse Educ Today. 2018;60: 139-46.

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Carmen Álvarez Nieto, Isabel Mª López Medina, Manuel Linares Abad, Mª Luisa Grande Gascón, Cristina Álvarez García. “Saberes enfermeros y estrategias pedagógicas en materia de sostenibilidad medioambiental y cambio climático” Enfermería Global, 2017. en el número 47 de 2017.


Mª Luisa Grande Gascón, Carmen Álvarez Nieto, Manuel Linares Abad, Isabel M.López-Medina, Gema Parra Anguita, Cristina Álvarez García. “NurSusTOOLKIT: A Teaching and Learning Resource for Sustainability in Nursing”. Egitania Sciencia. 2016. Vol. 17.

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Grande-Gascón ML, Álvarez-Nieto C, Linares-Abad M, López-Medina IM, Parra-Anguita G, Álvarez-García C. “NurSusTOOLKIT: A Teaching and Learning Resource for Sustainability in Nursing”. Egitania Sciencia. 2016.17.

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Richardson J, Heidenreich T, Álvarez-Nieto C, Fasseur F, Grose J, Huss N, Huynen M, López-Medina IM, Schweizer A. Including sustainability issues in nurse education: a comparative study of first year student nurses’ attitudes in four European countries. Nurse Education Today. ELSEVIER. 2016. 37: 15-20. DOI:10.1016/j.nedt.2015.11.005.

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Richardson J, Grose J, Nelmes P, Parra G, Linares M. Tweet if you want to be sustainable: a thematic analysis of a Twitter chat to discuss sustainability in nurse education. JAN. 2016. 72 (5):1086-1096. DOI: 10.1111/jan.12900.

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