Pressure injuries remain a very frequent problem in hospitalized patients and they are regarded as a failure for patient safety, as they are almost always preventable. Their prevention should involve the entire multidisciplinary team, but especially nurses and auxiliary care technicians.
There are multiple factors involved in these prevention failures. They may be due to the fact that the professionals have not acquired sufficient knowledge to provide adequate prevention or that they do not have the right attitude to do so. However, even if they are aware of and motivated to provide adequate prevention, there may be other variables outside of professionals that may prevent effective interventions from being made to avoid the occurrence of these injuries. There may be various circumstances or situations that act as barriers to the prevention of pressure injuries, and which may be related to professionals, health organisations or patients.

The barriers perceived by nurses have been little studied, so their impact on prevention is not well known. Several questionnaires exist to measure the level of knowledge about LBP prevention, but none is adequate to measure those perceived barriers. This research group has developed the SECOACBA project, led by Dr. Mª Dolores López-Franco, in which a questionnaire has been developed to measure the barriers that are perceived by the professionals who attend people who may develop pressure injuries. The questionnaire is available on the SECOACBA project website.
The Pressure Injury Prevention Barriers (PIPB) questionnaire has 25 items grouped into 4 factors:
– Management and organization
– Motivation and priority
– Knowledge
– Staffing and collaboration
It allows obtaining an overall score of perceived barriers, and also, to establish in which areas these barriers are identified.
The article is published in : López-Franco MD, Parra-Anguita L, Comino-Sanz IM, Pancorbo-Hidalgo PL. Development and validation of the Pressure Injury Prevention Barriers questionnaire in hospital nurses in Spain. BMJ Open. 2020, 10:e041376