More results from the research group CuiDsalud in the topic Care and Family caregivers. Several researchers have developed and validated a scale to measure caregiving dedication regarding activities of daily living in caregivers of dependent older people. The study was made in several centres of Primary Health Care in the province of Córdoba (Spain) and was aimed to establish reliability and validity of the 10-items scale.
The authors conclude that this scale allows a suitable measure of caregiving dedication regarding activities of daily living in caregivers of older people, because this scale allows a quickly, easy administration, is well accepted by caregivers, has acceptable psychometric results and includes the frequency of caregiving, the kind of attended need and the dependence level in each need.
The paper is published in an Open Access journal, so it can be freely accesed and downloaded in full text. Serrano-Ortega N., Frías-Osuna A., Recio-Gómez JM., del-Pino-Casado R. Diseño y validación de una escala para la medición de la dedicación al cuidado en personas cuidadoras de mayores dependientes (DeCuida). [Design and validation of a scale to measure caregiving dedication in caregivers of dependent older people] Atención Primaria. 2015.